Teams to check synthetic manja sale

Hyderabad: The forest department will be deploying around five to six mobile parties with uniformed staff and NGOs to go around shops selling synthetic manjha in its bid to ensure implementation of the ban order against it during
In coordination with other departments like police, GHMC, PCB, NGOs and
wildlife conservationists, the forest department is carrying out a publicity
campaign by distributing posters in Telugu, English and Urdu explaining the
harmful effects of synthetic manjha.
National green tribunal (NGT) clamped a complete ban on it in 2016. Manjha
used in flying kites is made of nylon and synthetic material and
As per section 15 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 any person
violating the orders is liable to be jailed for up to five years or be fined
up to `one lakh rupees or with both.
Causing injury to wild animals and birds with synthetic manjha amounts to
hunting under section – 9 which is punishable under Wildlife (Protection)
Act, 1972. Causing injury or death to domestic animals attracts provision of
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1960.
Such cases may be reported to the state forest department on 24 x 7 helpline
1800-425-5364 or 040-2323-1440.