AP registers 21 cases of H3N2

VIJAYAWADA: Andhra Pradesh has registered 21 positive cases of H3N2 influenza so far. Director of medical education, Dr V. Vinod Kumar, said 12 positive cases were registered in January and nine in February in the tests held at VRDL in Tirupati.
He said H3N2 is a viral infection caused by influenza A type variant and this would affect the upper respiratory tract.
The viral infection would affect those who move in crowds or remain in classrooms, offices or other public places. This would spread through the droplets from coughing or sneezing by the infected person. Those who were infected by the virus would show symptoms like fever, cough, throat pain, running nose, headache, dizziness and vomiting in rare cases. The infection would last for three to four days, he said.
“Those who show these symptoms need to take the RT PCR test. People showing symptoms like cough and sneezing should wear masks and such children are advised to stay away from classes for three to four days. Vaccination is recommended as preventive care.
People are advised to cover their nose and mouth while coughing and sneezing and wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water frequently, take rest and have plenty of fluids and nutritious food.