
Honeytrap: Pak woman's contact info on Vizag cop's mobile

VISAKHAPATNAM: The Steel Plant police are interrogating a CISF constable from the steel plant, as a suspected honeytrap case was exposed on Monday. The constable might have exchanged some posts with the woman and this is being investigated, police said.

The constable, Kapil Kumar Jagdish Bhai Devumurari, works at the CISF (fire wing) of VSP in Vizag city for the past year. Kapil was earlier serving at Bharat Dynamics Ltd (BDL), Bhanur in Hyderabad.

CISF inspector S. Saravanan got information that the constable was in contact with a woman. Investigations showed she was a Pakistani.

The constable was summoned for questioning and his mobile phone was examined. The PIO's phone number was found saved in the constable's mobile against the name, Tamisha.

The inspector suspects that Kapil passed on information about security and the steel plant to the said phone number and then deleted these from the device.

Saravanan alerted the Vizag city police. The police registered a case against Kapil under sections 4,9 r/w 3 of the official secrets act.

DCP (South-Zone), Ananda Reddy, said Kapil received a video and some messages from the woman PIO, but he had deleted all of these from his phone. The mobile needs to be sent to the cyber forensic lab for a thorough investigation, he said.

Kapil told the police that he did not send any information to the woman other than routine greetings. The constable claimed that he had only two mobile phones. However, one more Android mobile phone was recovered when his physical belongings were searched by a team on August 4. This led to suspicion the constable was hiding many aspects of his transactions with the PIO.

“Kapil has no access to the steel plant as he was mostly confined to the fire station. Unlike other PSUs, the steel plant has nothing sensitive to keep it a secret,’’ the DCP told Deccan Chronicle.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle. )
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