Be lamp that tells others to move forward: Mariazeena Johnson
I am the only one who has been selected. It is great that women are being recognised for their work, says Mariazeena.

Chennai: Q Congratulations on being recognised by UN. How do you feel?
Wonderful. Among the 12 from India, it feels proud to know that from Tamil Nadu, I am the only one who has been selected. It is great that women are being recognised for their work. Recognition gives them encouragement and support to move forward. I feel women should always take a step forward whether they get recognition or not.
Q ‘Inclusive education,’ tell us more about this initiative by you
Five of our students in different courses are victims of acid attacks. To reduce prejudice against acid attack survivors, in an awareness programme at the college, other students were made to understand that these survivors are one among them and need equal opportunities.
Q How did you stumble on the idea of providing education for acid attack survivors?
I met an acid attack survivor at an award ceremony. Through her, I got to know how acid attack survivors are on the look out for a platform to move forward.
They should be given chance to live like us. I also found that most acid attack victims drop out from schools as their classmates fail to accept them due to their disfigured faces. Even the school authorities do not help them during exams.
There needs to be more sensitisation about the need for equal opportunities for acid attack survivors. Education can help create greater opportunities.
Q How much do you feel you have achieved?
There is a long way to go. Women should make way for more women to come forward in life. Be the lamp that tells others to move forward.
Q Who is your inspiration when it comes to taking such initiatives?
My father, Jeppiaar, had always inspired me to work for others. My husband Marie Johnson has been a constant support and Mother Teresa is someone I have grown up believing in.