Surgery facility at district hospital for agency area people
Pregnant women from agency areas were brought to KGH in Visakhapatnam or the Area Hospital in Narsipatnam for Caesarean surgeries

Visakhapatnam: The district administration is extending facilities for surgery, particularly caesarean operations, at the district hospital at Paderu in Visakhapatnam agency from November 2.
Hitherto, pregnant women from agency areas were brought to King George Hospital in Visakhapatnam or the Area Hospital in Narsipatnam for caesarean surgeries. Agency PHCs handle only normal deliveries.
District coordinator of Health Services Dr Lakshmana Rao said initially caesarean surgeries would be launched and later on ENT, ophthalmology and orthopedic surgeries would be done there after filling the vacant doctor posts.
The entire agency area having a population of six lakh has one gynaecologist and no anaesthetist and hence surgeries were not being conducted. The DCHS said one post of anaesthetist has been sanctioned for Paderu and two each for Chintapalle and Araku Valley.
He said that, with an initiative taken by the principal of Andhra Medical College Dr Sudhakar and KGH superintendent Dr Mythili, an anaesthetist from KGH has been appointed at Paderu to work in fortnightly shifts.
Recently, the ITDA sanctioned Rs 20 lakh for providing basic infrastructure facilities for surgeries. ITDA project officer Gopalakrishna visited the hospital to check the requirements and interacted with doctors and patients.
So far, only one C-section surgery was performed in Paderu hospital -- in April this year by Dr Narsinga Rao, who engaged an anaesthetist to assist him, it being an emergency case.