Hyderabad girls return home with national prizes
The campaign focused on the production of a journalistic piece such as an article, photograph or video report.

HYDERABAD: Three girl students from the city won laurels in the nation-wide Litter Less campaign that aims to engage and educate children and young people against littering and encourages them to make positive choice.
The campaign focused on the production of a journalistic piece such as an article, photograph or video report. Participants were told to investigate a local litter issue, for example waste disposal, the effect on human health and animal life.
South Asian Youth Environment Network (Sayen) and Young Reporters for Environment conducted the competition, which is being held in various countries.
The three winners — Huma Khatoon (article writing), Marina Judy (videography) and Syeda Sameena Fatima (photography) — are students of St. Pious X Degree College and are in the 15-18 age group category.
The first prizes in 11-14 and 19-21 age groups were bagged by students of eductational institutions in Luck-now and Ahmedabad respectively. The winners were given away certificates and smartphones at a programme held in Lucknow on Monday. “Winning a national award for my passion, writing, is the best thing that can ever happen to me. I was not expecting it. It came as a pleasant surprise and was a little shocking as I was selected among 1,500 entries. Writing is something I can pursue for lifetime,” Huma Khatoon, the winning student said.
Zoology department head Grace Beena Paul, who guided the students, said Huma had focussed on how careless litter disposal would pose health problems including respiratory issues, among people living in the neighbourhood.
Judy and Fatima captured videos and images of waste and gar-bage strewn all over the streets at various places in the city, she said Ms Paul, was presented with the best teacher award for motivating students and for her passion towards environment sustainability.