Chennai: Now, get the duplicate mark sheets of class 10 and 12 in two weeks
Many candidates demand the duplicate certificates at the last minute.

Chennai: Removing the procedural delays in obtaining the duplicate mark sheets in case of certificates being lost or damaged, the Directorate of Government Examinations (DGE) has enabled the applicants to get the duplicate certificates in just two weeks, which would otherwise take anywhere between six months to one year.
As per the new procedures, they do not need Tahsildar's certificate and the DGE would issue duplicate certificates before the same was notified in the Gazette to avoid the delay. The applications also would be received directly from candidates instead of receiving them through the district educational officer's office.
The directorate is issuing duplicate certificates to students in the event of loss of original certificate, for pursuing higher studies or for getting employment.
The DGE is maintaining over 1.2 crore certificates of the candidates who appeared for class 10 and 12 from 1978 to 2018 in both digital format and hard copy. It has also uploaded the application form to get the duplicated mark sheets on the official website
“On an average, the directorate is receiving 20,000 applications per year seeking duplicate mark sheets. It would take three to six months to even the fast-tracked applications to get the duplicate mark sheets,” sources said.
Due to the delay in getting the duplicate copies, the candidates used to get a certified copy of the mark list (CCM) which is valid for only a short period.
Many government departments and foreign universities are not accepting CCM in place of original certificates. Many candidates demand the duplicate certificates at the last minute.
“We have decided to take the applications directly from the candidates instead of taking them through district educational officer's office to reduce the delay,” said D.Vasundradevi, director of government examinations. The Tahsildar's certificate is also not necessary.
Another point where the delay happens is with the Gazette publications. “At one time, we can notify only limited names in the Gazette. It used to delay the issuance of duplicate certificates. So, we will issue the duplicate mark sheet before the notification and then publish it in the Gazette,” she said.
Digitization of mark sheets also helped the officials. “Earlier, we used to check with the old records. Now, after digitization, the verification process has become a lot simpler. We can safely say that the candidates would receive duplicate mark sheets within two weeks,” D. Vasundradevi observed.
As per the existing procedures, the candidates have to submit their filled in application to the headmaster of the school where they studied and they would forward the application through DEO's office to DGE.
They have also to enclose FIR copy in case they permanently lost the certificate and a certificate from the Tahsildhar also should be enclosed along with the application for the authenticity of loss of original certificate. After verifying the records, the officials from the Directorate of Government Examinations would then send a list for gazette publication of students who lost their certificates. Following the publication in the Gazette, the duplicate certificates would be sent to the schools through DEO's office.