RMP: Traffic worries Bengalureans most
Bengaluru: The urban population of Bengaluru is most concerned about traffic in the city, according to citizen suggestions collated as part of Janaagraha’s online initiative
‘I Change My City’.
While 27.28% of citizen suggestions on the Revised Master Plan (RMP) 2031 related to traffic issues, environment is the next biggest concern with 17.69% of suggestions calling for issues related to the surroundings of the city, including lakes.
The Bangalore Development Authority received over 13,000 suggestions after the draft RMP was published on November 25 last year.
“The online version for submitting suggestions became popular as the RMP was simplified and presented online, enabling the average citizen to comprehend
the matter effortlessly,” claims Janaagraha. The form provided a summary for 13 different categories with links to the main RMP document. Citizens could also express their satisfaction levels on each category along with the opportunity to provide detailed comments.
According to the satisfaction scores, citizens are least satisfied with land use at 3.8, housing and traffic at 4.3 and waste management at 4.4. The categories that scored the highest are heritage at 6.6, accessibility at 5.4 and power at 5.1.
The categories of environment, housing, land use, traffic, waste management and parks have been voted in greater numbers as compared to other categories.