Hyderabad: Website told to pay for delay in delivery
The complainant stated that he did not expect such behaviour from a well known website.

Hyderabad: The Hyderabad Consumer Forum awarded M. Lakshminath, a resident of West Marredpally, a refund, compensation, and interest for not getting the required service from Living Media India Limited, an e-commerce website.
The complainant stated that he paid an amount of Rs 2,498 through his Citybank credit card to Living Media for a supply of Morning Raga, six books of Bagit Today and a couple holiday voucher for three days and two nights but he was not supplied the items or given a refund. The complainant stated that he did not expect such behaviour from a well known website.
Despite being served notices repeatedly, Living Media did not offer an explanation to the complainant. The Forum observed that a lot of online websites were getting away with fleecing customers as many did not fight for a refund. Advocate Ranjini Das says, “Most people dismiss orders that amount to Rs 500 or so thinking that it is not worth an argument.
Although the order was received by the opposite party from the complainant it was pending for disposal. The forum noted that e-commerce websites should ensure that the complaints of consumers are dealt with speedily and justly. Items listed on the website with bad reviews should be taken off and third party owners should be warned of posting defective items online. In case of lack of service, the forum said, citizens must demand a refund or else such faulty practices will continue to occur.
The forum ruled in favour of the complainant and asked Living Media to pay a refund of Rs 2,498 along with interestof nine per cent per annum from June 26, 2010 and to pay an amount of Rs 3,000 towards compensation for mental agony, and costs of Rs 3,000.