Revived borewells come to the rescue of Hassan
The work is being carried out under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme.

Hassan: They were defunct and nearly dry, but now thanks to the effort of the Zilla Panchayat these borewells are helping supply water to many areas badly in need of it in Hassan.
Take the recharged borewell at the Government Composite High School in Gopanahalli, under the Heragu Gram Panchayat limits in Hassan taluk which has been providing drinking water to its students for the last five months.
Commending the work of the Hassan Zilla Panchayat, Mr Mohan Kumar, a gram panchayat member of Heragu, says the borewell water is safe both for drinking and cooking.
Since December last year, the Hassan Zilla Panchayat has revived 750 of the 2,600 borewells identified for recharge and is hoping to revive the rest soon as well. The work is being carried out under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme using the Direct Injection Method to harvest rainwater.
Zilla Panchayat Chief Executive Officer , Venkatesh Kumar says to revive a borewell an area of 10feet in breath, length and depth is excavated around it, and lined with concrete casing.
Boulders are placed upto five feet in the pit and topped with layers of 40 mm jelly stones, 150 kgs of charcoal and sand. Now that hopes have risen about reviving the wells, the district authorities are keen to maintain them to ensure that they continue to serve the villages.