Thiruvananthapuram: Special parking zones for Green Field ODI
Thiruvananthapuram: In an effort to ensure smooth traffic and parking in the city, the police authorities have assigned designated parking zones in and around the Green Field International Stadium to facilitate the conduct of ODI between India and West Indies, to be held on November 1.
The police authorities have decided to allow entry of vehicles with car pass inside the stadium. Other vehicles can be parked at designated parking lots at LNCP Ground, Government College Karyavattom and Kar-yavattom Bed. Centre. The police have also arranged an additional parking space at Al- Saj Convention Centre ground. Two-wheeler parking has been arranged at the three grounds located on the western side of the green field stadium.
Parking for media and police vehicles have been arranged at the parking ground of Highway Research Ce-ntre Institute. Additio-nal vehicles can be parked at the ground behind the mosque.
For ensuring smooth traffic, the traffic authorities have strictly restricted the parking of vehicles along the Sreekaryam – Kazhakoottam stretch. Parking will not be allowed at the stretch from Karyavattom Muslim Jumath Road to Kurisadi.
Heavy vehicles going from Thiruvananthap-uram to Kollam should take the road via Ulloor- Akkulam – Kuz-hivila – Bypass. Vehic-les coming from Koll-am to Thiruvanantha-puram should go via Vetturoad – Kattayiko-nam – Chempazhanthi – Sreekaryam road. The vehicles coming to the stadium should take the road via Ulloor – Sreekaryam – Karyavattom.