Telangana: Firms shrink bench size; fewer jobs for graduates
Hyderabad: Software companies have raised the bar for entry level jobs and reduced their bench strength. This has impacted the placement possibilities of newbie techies and is likely to continue to do so. Fresh graduates without any additional technical skills will soon have no takers in the IT industry.
Ramesh Loganathan, former Hysea president, stated that IT firms want freshers to be absorbed into projects as early as possible after joining. “The IT industry used to recruit B.Tech students and train them in-house. But now they are looking at the efficiency of a fresher before recruiting him”, he said.
The reduced bench strength in most of the IT companies is not helping the cause of freshers either. Earlier companies used to have 20 percent of their staff strength on bench; this figure is not even five percent in most of the companies at present. Automation and shortened timeline of projects and delivery schedules are compelling companies to restrain their bench strength.
With no significant bench strength in the first place, IT companies can no longer afford to recruit fresh graduates and keep them on a training period for nearly six months.