IS using components produced by Indian companies to make IEDs
New Delhi: Some of the crucial equipment used by Islamic State to assemble deadly Improvised Explosive Devices were manufactured by seven Indian companies, according to an investigation report by independent group 'Conflict Armament Research', Lok Sabha was informed on Tuesday.
Responding to a question, Minister of State for Home Affairs Haribhai Parathibhai Chaudhary said, "All such components documented by CAR were legally exported from India to business entities in Lebanon and Turkey.
He said, "As per CAR reports, there is no evidence to suggest any direct transfer of goods to IS forces by the countries and companies mentioned in the report."
Chaudhary said, the 'Conflict Armament Research', claiming to be an independent organisation mandated by European Union to investigate the supply of weapons into the areas of armed conflicts, released an online document titled "tracing the supply of component used in Islamic State (IS) IED".
He said, "The CAR examined nearly 700 components used by IS to manufacture IEDs between 2014 to February 2016. The report indicates that some of the components procured by the IS operatives included detonators, detonating cards and safety fuses, which, in addition to other countries, were also supplied by seven Indian companies."