IMA Guntur Elects New President, Secretary unanimously

VIJAYAWADA: Dr Nuthakki Srinivas and Dr Boosireddy Narendra Reddy have been unanimously elected as the president and secretary of the Indian Medical Association Guntur district branch.
The IMA members unanimously elected the new committee in a meeting held at the IMA hall in Guntur. Dr Nuthakki Srinivas was elected as the district president, Dr Velaga Mahesh as the vice president, Dr Boosireddy Narendra Reddy as the secretary, and Dr B. Sai Krishna as the joint secretary.
IMA district leaders congratulated the newly elected office bearers. On this occasion, Dr Srinivas and Dr Narendra Reddy said that besides contributing to the development of the committee, they would work towards solving the problems faced by local doctors. They said that efforts would be made to organise special awareness programmes to introduce them to the technological developments coming in various fields around the world, which will be useful to offer the best services to the patients.