Untimely rains dash hopes of Mahboob Gunj red chilli traders
The depression at Bay of Bengal, which carried spills over the city and caused untimely showers, has left these traders in tears

HYDERABAD: Traders at Mahboob Gunj rue November rains as they drenched hundreds of dry chilli gunny bags. The depression at Bay of Bengal, which carried spills over the city and caused untimely showers, has left these traders in tears.
Mahboob Gunj at Malakpet is the biggest market for mirchi (red chilli) and onions.
On Monday, the over 70 red chilli wholesale traders in the market had spread the moist produce over the open spaces for drying.
Vanjari Vinod Kumar of the three-decade-old Vani Traders said “We were not prepared for rains. They have destroyed us. One quintal of mirchi is priced between Rs 7000 and Rs 10, 000. The stock that has been drenched will lose colour and that means that we will be compelled to sell them at cheaper rates.”
He added that the unexpected rains had also drenched thousands of onion bags.