Most drugs are now obsolete
Most drugs have become obsolete due to resistance and it is becoming very difficult to treat small, benign infections

Hyderabad: Drugs like penicillin and erythromycin are not being used as much as they were in the past as they are not very effective in present times.
Most drugs have become obsolete due to resistance and it is becoming very difficult to treat small, benign infections.
The increasing frequency of antibiotic resistance is because of rampant use of antibiotics which has led to inherited resistance, and also geographical location.
Dr S.B. Raju, senior consultant physician says that in western countries, the problem of antibiotic resistance for small infections is much less. “This is because their population is not prescribed antibiotics the way it is done in India. They complain of acquired infections from other countries where there is too much exposure and are not getting treated with their line of drugs.” Antibiotics nitrofurantoin, fosfomycin, cotrimaxozole and folourquinolone class of drugs are used in India and it is found that patients react differently.
Urologist Dr Krishna, says, "We have to decide on the response to these drugs whether higher grade is required. Of the 100 patients that we see, 10 come with complaints that the drug is not effective at the clinical level."