
Politicians exploit fear post attacks

To answer hate with hate is not what voters seek in leaders.

Hyderabad: Exploiting a terror attack and indulging in extremist views has become normal for many politicians in the country, whichever community they belong to, and the outcome is showing in terms of voting percentage as people are not coming to the polling booths to vote.

Experts state that politicians may think that hate speech and spewing venom at opponents will fetch them votes, but voters are looking for their day-to-day problems to be solved.

Zafer Javed, academician, explained, “The ruling party latches on to any terror attack, within the country or outside. The manner in which they have been targeting the Muslims has made one point clear: that hate can provide no solution. It is also clear that hate is not an answer to hate at all.”

To answer hate with hate is not what voters seek in leaders.

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