Another case of local transmission of corona arises in Telangana
With three more cases added, the count now goes up to 30

Hyderabad: Telangana added three more Covid-19 positive cases to its list this Monday afternoon. It has 30 now. Two of the three new ones are residents of Hyderabad, aged 21 and 30, with travel history to France and London. The third case is a 23-year-old male from Karimnagar who has no travel history but did come in contact with the group of Indonesians who tested positive in that town a few days ago.
That would count as another case of local transmission of the virus, that is, infection that occurred localy here. The first community transmission of the coronavirus in Telangana was reported two days ago.
The three new coronapositives have been taken to the designated hospitals and are in a stable condition.
The Director of Public Health and Family Welfare requested the public to not panic and assured that the containment process has been initiated wherever there has been a positive diagnosis.
He said persons who have been to a foreign country or been in contact with a Covid-19 case need to maintain self-quarantine for 14 days. In case one develops symptoms, they should contact the nearest government hospital.