New strategies to generate revenue for Pushkaralu
Checkposts near Tiruvuru and Garikapadu are identified as the tax collection points.

VIJAYAWADA: The road transport department is busy designing new strategies to generate more revenues in the form of taxes, keeping in view the Pushkaralu traffic. Checkposts near Tiruvuru and Garikapadu are identified as the tax collection points, and the department is anticipating huge amount of revenues following the heavy movement of vehicles. Around 600 additional staff will be deployed from other districts of Andhra Pradesh to monitor these special arrangements. A road map is prepared already.
In fact, it is estimated that thousands of vehicles may come into Vijaya-wada city during Pushkaralu from August 12 to 23, which are the main revenue generating source for the road transport department. The department is also contemplating to impose huge penalties to the violators. The border check post located at Garika-padu, near Jaggaiahpeta in Krishna district and another at Tiruvuru in the same district are the main focus points for the department to generate revenue.
Special mobile teams have already been formed to control the speed of the vehicles, apart from setting up seven stationary control points and five mobile control rooms. The stationary control points will be set up at Manchi-kalapudi beach, Avanigadda, Chevitikallu, Gannavaram, Eedpugallu, RTC bus station and railway station. Similarly, five mobile teams will be deployed on Krishna river bund from Krishnalanka to Mopidevi, Vedadri-Muktheswaram, Pulichi-ntala-Jaggaiahpeta, Avan-igadda-Vuyyuru, Gudimetla-Vavilala-Chandarlapadu, and Ibrahimpatnam-Bhavanpuram-Vijayawada, according to officials.