Mode of BC listing sought
Hyderabad: The Hyderabad High Court on Tuesday directed the Telangana government to inform to it the methodology adopted for enumerating persons belonging to BC communities ward wise for the elections of Panchayat Raj institutions in the state.
Justice MS Ramachandra Rao was dealing with a plea by Congress leaders B. Ravindranath and D. Sravan Kumar seeking to declare the action of the state government in initiating the process for conducting the elections to Panchayat Raj institutions without enumerating persons belonging to BC communities ward wise and not allotting the seats to be reserved for BC category amongst the sub-groups A B C D and E as illegal.
They urged the court to direct respondents to conduct elections only after enumerating persons belonging to BC communities ward wise and reserving the BC category amongst the sub-groups A B C D and E. The judge directed TS to inform the methodology by June 25.