Gold worth Rs 1.1 crore, Rs 12 lakh foreign currencies seized at Chennai airport
Chennai: The customs department seized 3.6 kg gold worth Rs 1.1 crore and foreign currency equivalent to Rs 12 lakh at the Chennai airport recently.
Monday morning, 1.6 kg gold valued at Rs 48 lakh was seized from Sikkandar Samsudeen (40) who arrived here from Dubai. Gold kept concealed inside his pant pocket were recovered, an he was arrested.
In another incident on Sunday evening, Mohamed Sharif was arrested for smuggling 1.2 kg gold worth Rs .39 lakh. The gold was concealed in a mobile phone cover like plastic box. On Sunday, Jannathulasma Mohamed Hanifa who arrived from Kuwait and Azarudeen of Sivagangai who arrived from Dubai were intercepted and gold worth Rs 16.6 lakh and Rs 8.5 lakh were recovered from them.
On Sunday evening, Kaleel Raghuman Mustafa and Hajamydeen Ameer were intercepted and $3000 and 1,000 Saudi Arabian Riyals equivalent to Rs 4.5 lakh and Rs 43,000 Saudi Arabian Riyals equivalent to Rs 7.2 lakh, concealed inside their rectum were recovered from them.