Punjagutta cops patrol on cycle
the Pilot phase was with one bicycle but with the encouraging response four more bicycles will be added soon.

Hyderabad: Punjagutta police has launched an unconventional method of patrolling on Monday, when police constables took to the streets for patrolling on bicycles.
S. Ravindar, inspector of Punjagutta police station, calls this new approach of patrolling an effort “for better mobility in highly inaccessible areas.
“It was difficult for the patrolling police to tread through narrow bylanes in some areas on bikes and cars. With this new plan we now have access to every corner and can reach anywhere in Punjagutta. It will help us in community policing. The plan is aimed at maintaining law and order even in the remotest areas, he said.
The bicycle is equipped with siren, GPS, LED lights, first aid kit, crime scene protection kit and bottle holders”. Currently, the plan is in the pilot phase with just one bicycle functional but with the good response four more bicycles will be added soon.
However, the concept of bicycle patrolling has been in practice since 2005 by Abdul Khader Jilani, additional ins-pector of Chatrinaka police station. According to Mr Jilani, bicycle patrolling has got the advantage of reach and access. It does not alert the wrong doers which is not the case with bikes and cars.
Congratulating the Punjagutta police he said that “these methods help in connecting with the people as they feel that the policeman is on par with them once we make a contact.”