Gujarat officials caught with Rs 3 lakh worth bribe in new currency
Ahmedabad: In a case that has baffled authorities, two Gujarat port trust officials have been arrested for receiving bribe amounting to nearly Rs 3 lakh entirely in the newly launched Rs 2,000 currency.
According to reports, another Rs 40,000 was confiscated from one of their homes.
The two officials, Superintending Engineer P Srinivasu and Sub Divisional officer K Komtekar of the Kandla Port Trust, were trapped in a well laid out by the Anti-Corruption Bureau. The two officers reportedly sought a sum of Rs 4.4 lakh as bribe from a private electrical firm to clear pending bills.
The bureau which was alerted by the said firm, apprehended an agent representing the two men receiving a bribe of Rs 2.5 lakh.
An additional sum of Rs 40,000 was also recovered from Srinivasu’s home. He later confessed to the ACB that the money was balance of the deal. Authorities are trying to work out the source of the payment.