Tamil Nadu doctors to join all-India strike today
Chennai: Expressing solidarity with the Indian Medical Association (IMA), the doctors in Tamil Nadu have planned to take part in one-day statewide strike on Monday. The medical professionals have been protesting against violence unleashed upon doctors across the country. The doctors engage in the protests after a doctor in Kolkata was brutally attacked by relatives of a deceased patient recently.
State President of IMA Dr S Kanagasabapathy, said expressing solidarity with the IMA, the doctors will engage in strike on Monday. However, doctors will not boycott emergency services. In Tamil Nadu, all 4,500 member hospitals will take part in the agitation.
It may be noted that a student doctor interning at the NRS Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata was allegedly attacked by the relatives of a recently deceased patient at the hospital recently. Dr Paribaha Mukharjee was hit with a brick on his head, leaving him with a fractured skull. The incident sparked massive outrage among the medical community, with several doctors from the state of West Bengal’s healthcare sector threatening mass resignation if proper action was not taken to ensure the security and safety of doctors.
The social media was flooded with messages of outrage and solidarity with the doctor. Doctors and other members of the medical community tweeted with the hashtag #SaveTheDoctors, stating that they will be boycotting work and standing in support of the young doctor who was attacked and that the protests will continue until action is taken. On Friday, the IMA called for a nationwide protest against the rising number of violent attacks against doctors in the country.