Water board to probe water theft'
A senior official said that the board had handed over details of 40,000 of the 9 lakh domestic connections to the NPC.

Hyderabad: The Metro Water Board will seek the help of the National Productivity Council (NPC) to check water theft. It has come to the notice of the board that customers have been over-utilising water from domestic connections at commercial connection levels.
A senior official said that the board had handed over details of 40,000 of the 9 lakh domestic connections to the NPC. He said the NPC during the study had identified 10,000 such connections which would get converted to the commercial category.
He said that all 9 lakh domestic connections will be inspected in phases in order get an accurate picture of the water theft. He said two officials from the Water Board would accompany NPC officials in checking the irregularities. The official said that this exercise would not only help in data purification but also enhance its revenues.