Engineering education to be challenging in coming years
Our syllabus doesn't really match with the advanced technology and the requirements of the industry.

Chennai: Career consultant Jayaprakash A.Gandhi explains challenges awaiting aspirants:-
Engineering education is going to be very challenging in the coming years. Students need to choose a primary or basic course rather a specialized course. In India, we have more than 50 branches and in countries like US and Germany, we don't have more than five or six branches. If the student wants to get into the petroleum industry he has to choose chemical engineering instead of petrochemical. Instead of the automobile, production and industrial engineering, he can join mechanical engineering. The students' first focus should be on choosing the right course.
Our syllabus doesn't really match with the advanced technology and the requirements of the industry. There is a huge gap between what the students learning and the need. The students who read beyond the syllabus are going to win the race. As far as engineering is the concern, more than 70 percent of recruitment will be through the competitions. If the students want to get placed in Google, he has to really show skill in google code jam contest or if he wants to get placed in TCS he has to shine in CodeVita contest. So every company is going to recruit students through hackathons or other competitions
From 2020, most of the industries are going to need people with multi-disciplinary skills.
Only studying mechanical, electrical or computer will not give many opportunities. The students with multidisciplinary skills have better opportunities to get placed.They should develop good communication skills and have to keep updated with advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning.
The students need to learn either Japanese or German language to get placements. It will provide a distinct advantage to the students when they come out.Among the courses, computer science, IT and electronics will have an advantage over other branches this year.