Tamil Nadu: Central prisons to get identification parade centres'
Chennai: The Madras high court has directed state government of Tamil Nadu to establish ‘Test Identification Parade Centres’ in all the Central Prisons in six months. The First Bench comprising Chief Justice Indira Banerjee and Justice PN Prakash has directed the government to construct special rooms for conduct of test identification parades in all the prisons in six months. Such rooms shall have one side view glass partition separating those lined up for the parade, on the one hand and the witness and magistrate, on the other. The witness and the magistrate should not be visible to those who are lined up, but, the suspect and the dummies should be visible clearly to the witness and the magistrate. The enclosure in which the suspect and the dummies are lined up shall be well illumined and should also have an ante room for them to change their attire.