
Dalit forum wants seats for poor in schools

Quality education is for everyone and it should not come at a high price, a parent said.

Hyderabad: The Dalit Student Federation has demanded immediate implementation of the Supreme Court order of 2010 that says 25 per cent seats should be reserved for the poor in private and aided schools.

Perika Krishnaiah, state DSF president, said, “The order was passed under the Right to Education Act so that students from rural backgrounds can avail education. But the government has not kept a check on whether schools are implementing the same.”

Parents spoke of the high fee structures in private schools and said that, while private schools do not charge tuition fees, other fees are charged that parents with meagre incomes cannot afford. Quality education is for everyone and it should not come at a high price, a parent said.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle. )
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