Godavari districts reel under severe heat wave conditions
Rajahmundry recorded 40 degrees celsius which is highest so far this summer.

Rajahmundry: The Godavari districts are reeling under severe heat wave conditions as the day temperature is hovering about 40 degrees celsius on an average in several parts in the district in the summer. Heat wave conditions are prevailing from the early hours of the day until evening forcing the people to remain indoors.
Rajahmundry recorded 420C which is highest so far this summer. Office goers are finding tough time to reach their offices braving the scorching heat while traders are opening their commercial establishments early in the day and closing them in the afternoon and opening them again in the evening as the temperature dips.
The demand for tender coconuts has gone up as the people are consuming to beat the heat. The coconut traders are charging them based on their size and quantum of water. Their cost ranges from Rs 15 to Rs 20 and above.
People are preferring to consume fresh fruit juices as their bodies are getting de-hydrated due to the sweat.