DCCB polls may get delayed
In general, DCCB chairman election can be done immediately after Primary Agricultural Cooperative Society (PACS) election.

KHAMMAM: Election for filling District Cooperative Central Bank (DCCB) Chairman posts may get delayed due to various reasons.
In general, DCCB chairman election can be done immediately after Primary Agricultural Cooperative Society (PACS) election.
There are bottlenecks to hold elections to the DCCB chairman post. Firstly, there are 21 director posts in each DCCB and 16 will come from agriculture such as PACS.
The remaining five director posts will be from non-agricultural societies such as NGO Cooperative Society, Fishermen Cooperative, Shepherd Cooperative, Milk Producers and Urban Cooperative Society.
Interestingly, no election was held to these Cooperative Societies yet as there was no chance of selecting Directors from there. Conducting elections in these societies will take time and DCCB Chairman election will be held only after it.
According to informed sources, the government has been mulling over the limit of director posts by removing the clause of taking non-farm directors into it.
The government may issue a GO pertaining to this very soon. If it is done, there will be only 16 Directors in the DCCB.
The government is considering to keep the DCCB exclusively for farm purpose, so as to extend more loans to the peasants.