Norms framed for Andhra Pradesh Mahila police
In Mahila Police recruitment, hereafter, 90 per cent would be direct recruitment, five per cent from among the eligible women home guards

VIJAYAWADA: The state government has formulated a job chart, training syllabus and special rules for the Mahila Police and issued orders to this effect on Wednesday.
Principal secretary to the government, Vijayakumar, said two GOs have been issued. The rules will be called the Andhra Pradesh Mahila Police (subordinate service) rules, 2021, for inspector (non-gazetted), SI and ASI, senior Mahila Police and Mahila Police.
In Mahila Police recruitment, hereafter, 90 per cent would be direct recruitment, five per cent from among the eligible women home guards and 5 per cent through selection from eligible grama/ward volunteers.
In the event of non-availability of eligible and suitable women home guards and women grama/ward bolunteers in a particular year, the vacancies reserved for them shall not be carried forward to the subsequent year. These shall be filled with eligible women candidates by way of direct recruitment.
The candidates appointed as Grama Mahila Samrakshana/Ward Mahila Samrakshana Karyadarsi Grade-111 or Grama Mahila Samrakshana/Ward Mahila Samrakshana Karyadarsi prior to these rules are now re-designated as Mahila Police.
For appointment to the post of Mahila Police, a woman should have a degree from any university and the age limit is 18 years. The height norm must be 5feet and weight not less than 40kg.
The physical efficiency tests for selection will be two km of walking in 20 minutes. The minimum marks to be secured by the candidates in order to qualify in the final written examination is 40 per cent for OCs, 35 per cent for BCs and 30 per cent for SCs/STs/ex- servicemen.
The eye sight visual standards are 6/6 without colour blindness and squint. Any morbid condition of the eye or lids of either eye shall be deemed a disqualification.
The candidates should possess sound health and be free from any bodily defect or infirmity. Candidates who are physically handicapped/ differently abled will not be considered for recruitment to any of these posts.
Mahila Police shall undergo training for a period of three months at such institutions/centres and on successful completion of three months’ training and passing of the prescribed tests, there will be a one-month attachment to various field units that are relevant to them in the district. This will also include a week’s attachment to an NGO dealing with woman and child issues.
The government fixed General English, Simple Arithmetic (10th class), Everyday Science, History of Andhra Pradesh, culture, Freedom Movement in Andhra Pradesh, The Constitution of India, Indian Geography and Test of Reasoning / Mental Ability for eligibility test of multiple choice/objective type.
The colour of the cloth of the Mahila police uniform will be Khaki.