Exam evaluation improper, allege students of JNTUH
Students say they got lower marks than they deserved in the semester exams

Hyderabad: Several students of JNTUH have alleged that they were getting lower marks than what they deserved in the semester exams due to improper correction of papers by teachers.
The varsity, however, denied the students’ claims and said there is a foolproof system in place for correction of papers.
Students said many of them were failing to clear the same subject multiple times, and were even scoring zero in some papers. Two students who failed to clear two backlog subjects for a few years say they needed 26 marks out of 75. They were given 10 grace marks, so they needed 16 to pass. Yet, they failed in many attempts, especially in mathematics.
In February 2021, hundreds of BTech students across semesters and subjects, some of them who were confident of having done well, scored zero in the semester exams.
After receiving many grievances, the varsity ordered a probe and identified one evaluator who had carried out faulty corrections.
JNTUH Registrar Dr M. Manzoor Hussain said the varsity had a system in place to ensure proper corrections. All evaluators were teachers who taught the subject for at least two semesters, and all of them were recommended by principals of their colleges, he added.
“In case of grievances, students can go for revaluation, which costs `1,000. We also have a challenge evaluation, where they can see their answer paper for a cost of Rs 10,000, and if there is a change in the marks, the amount will be refunded. But no one avails this option. Even when a lot of students scored zero last year, not even one of them availed it,” he said.
Second year students also complained of the delay in results of their semester exams, which were held in February. The results are supposed to be out within 70 days.
Dr Hussain said correction of IV and III year papers were carried out first, but II year results would be out the next week.