Telangana better off than Andhra Pradesh on many fronts: survey
Study collected data from 21 states, Telangana a hit in rural health.

Hyderabad: Telangana fares better than AP on many fronts, says the recently released Sample Registration System Baseline Survey 2014. The survey gave data collected from 21 big states of the country.
The availability of health facilities in rural areas is where Telangana scores over not just AP but all other states. Government hospital availability is 53.7 per cent in TS while Maharashtra is in the second place with 40 per cent, but AP has just 27.4 per cent.
In availability of private hospitals Telangana is first in rural areas with 53.7 per cent while AP has just 24 per cent. However, in urban areas AP has the upper hand with 93.6 per cent people having access to government hospitals and 89.4 per cent to private hospitals against 82.7 per cent and 85.6 per cent respectively in Telangana.
In rural Internet connectivity Telangana is the second best in the country with 62 per cent of samples having a Net connection. However, Kerala topped in this with a massive 94.6 per cent while Karnataka has just 34.4 per cent.
The rural population of Telangana also has the second highest availability of ATMs in the country after Kerala (71.4 per cent) with 63.6 per cent and AP with just 28.8 per cent.
Telangana also had the second highest number of graduates at 17.7 per cent after New Delhi while AP has just 10 per cent. However, when it comes to closed sewage system in urban areas both the Telugu states perform poorly at just 36.6 per cent in Telangana and 20.6 per cent in AP.
AP also has higher figures in smoking and drinking. In the 15-29 age group 3.8 per cent in AP smoke while it is 1.5 per cent in TS. In alcohol consumption it 5.5 per cent for AP and 5.1 per cent for TS.