Chennai: Learning Vedas, Divya Prabhandam in smart classrooms
Patashala PRO Muralidaran says, “We have been running this patashala for 5 years under the guidance of Ahobila Mutt pontiff Azhagiyasingar.

Chennai: Sri Vedanta Desika Ubhaya Vedanta Patashala in Tiruvallur has created a learning atmosphere in tune with hi-tech times. Students in the patashala enjoy learning Vedas, Divya Prabhandam, Sanskrit and Yoga in smart classrooms.
Students in their school uniform.
Speaking to DC about the Veda patashala, Tiruvallur Veeraraghavaswamy temple honorary agent C.C. Sampath said, “We teach Vedas, Divya Prabhandam, Sanskrit and Yoga. Besides, students are also part of a regular school that follows CBSE syllabus under NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling). Students use computers. We have a good library too.”
The day starts at 5.30 am for children at the patashala. Besides Vedic education, their regular classes, including English, science and maths, go on till evening. Class and midterm exams are held as in any other school. In the evenings they have sloka recitation class. After finishing their homework from 7 to 8.30 pm, children go to bed on time.
Patashala PRO Muralidaran says, “We have been running this patashala for 5 years under the guidance of Ahobila Mutt pontiff Azhagiyasingar. The patashala spread over 7,000 sq feet with all modern facilities has a team of committed teachers headed by an efficient principal. We also offer CBSE education up to class 12. We have students from various places in the state like Pattukkottai and Mayavaram. We admit students from the age of seven. We conduct parent-teacher meet regularly. Students are given practical training on performing temple rituals and pujas for the deities.”
Programmes are held in the school to bring out the best in every student. Besides, important national events like R-Day and I-Day are celebrated with fanfare. The patasala offers free education, boarding and lodging. A cash incentive of Rs 1,000/month is deposited in the bank the name of every student.
Admissions are open now and those interested can contact 9952083803.