Kerala: No NOC yet to 100 highrises
Fire and Rescue Services sticks to norms

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The fate of 100-odd high-rise buildings across the state in getting final no-objection certificate (NOC) from the Fire and Rescue Services department (FRS) still hangs in the balance even as the FRS recently brought out a checklist for granting clearances.
Builders allege that the fresh checklist prescribed additional fire safety parameters compared to what were prescribed while issuing the initial NOC. The FRS officials are now insisting that final NOC could be granted only if the building follows the parameters as mentioned in the fresh checklist brought out recently. This had put the builders in a dilemma and they are planning to take up the issue with the government again.
“We have already constructed the buildings as per the parameters mentioned while issuing the initial NOC for construction. Hence, there is no logic in now insisting on fresh parameters for buildings already constructed after obtaining the mandatory permissions,” said Mr. S N Reghuchandran Nair, secretary-general, Confederation of Real Estate Developers’ Associ-ations of India (CREDAI).
But the FRS is firm on its stand. “We can’t grant NOC to any buildings that do not have the parameters as prescribed in the recently brought out checklist. The checklists were prepared as per the prevailing rules only,” said FRS commandant general DGP Loknath Behera. “Any dilutions in the norms could not be considered as a precedent as our prime concern is the safety of people,” he said.
Builders said that to meet the fresh parameters, even design changes need to be made in buildings that were already constructed. “As per the checklist, the positions of fire duct, assembly point and even the type of lifts need to be changed, which are quite impractical,” said Mr. Nair.