Khammam: Pvt schools manipulate Class X internal marks
Private school managements awarded more marks to students of their institutions.

Khammam/Kothagudem: The formative assessment (FA) of the tenth class students has not gone well in Khammam and Bhadradri-Kothagudem districts.
Private school managements awarded more marks to students of their institutions. The government had slotted 80 per cent weightage to each subject for the summative and external public examinations.
The remaining 20 per cent was given to internal tests and formative assessment. In the formative assessment, five marks each were allotted for reading skills, science experiments, generating math problems and reading text and its interpretation in social studies.
After completion of FA, school prinicipals have to verify records and keep it ready for the expert committees to verify and approve, before uploading the details online.
The verification of internal marks was done till February 9 in Khammam and Bhadradri districts. About 49 expert teams were involved in the verification process. Three subject experts and senior school headmaster were part of each team.
About 17,969 students from 429 schools from Khammam district and 13,646 students from 273 schools in Bhadradri district will be appearing for tenth class this year.
Three persons from private schools allegedly used influence on these committees not to go in detail on the FA by saying that the students understanding of the systems was slow. Also, private school managements took all measures not to cut the internal marks of the students.
Internal marks are very important to the students in getting more GPA (grade point average) and those who get more GPA points, will be in a good position.
The school managements show these GPAs of its students in advertisements to lure more students.
A teacher, working in government schools, on condition of anonymity, said, “The FA is not done as per norms and the teams did not check the internal marks seriously. Private school managements resorted to all type of measures to influence the members of the expert teams.”
In case of government schools, the FA was done in a systematic way and the government teachers did not deviate and the teams also assessed it in a proper manner.