Non-local veggie prices up in Hyderabad
Prices of a few vegetables from other states have been on the rise for the last two days due to lesser arrivals.

HYDERABAD: Prices of a few vegetables from other states have been on the rise for the last two days due to lesser arrivals, and marketing officials expect a similar situation to prevail till the end of the summer. Usually, in February, there is a shortage in locally-grown vegetables, but this year, heavy rain in September has led to good arrivals from the districts in TS. However, due to the adverse conditions in parts of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, the productivity of non-local vegetables has fallen and arrivals are coming down.
Arrivals to city markets of non-local vegetables like tomato (618 grade) usually supplied by Karnataka farmers, lady’s finger from all the three states, ribbed gourd, cluster beans, French beans and colocasia from AP have come down in the last two days. Estate officer of Mehdipatnam Rythu Bazaar K.R. Vijay Kumar said that except for tomato, the prices of all the other might continue till the end of summer.
“More tomatoes will arrive in the city market in summer and we are expecting the prices to fall soon,” he said. At present, grade-I tomato is available in wholesale markets at Rs 10 per kg which is being sold at Rs 13 per kg in Rythu Bazaars and Rs 20 at retailers. Similarly, the price of lady’s finger increased to Rs 35 per kg in the wholesale markets and Rs 55 in supermarkets. Ribbed gourd is available for Rs 35 per kg in Rythu Bazaar and the same is being sold at Rs 50 per kg in retail.
Due to off-season, cluster beans are available at a high of Rs 35 at Rythu Bazaars and at Rs 60 per kg with retailers. The price of French beans has increased by Rs 5 in wholesale markets (Rs 25 per kg) compared with the prices in the last two days and the same is sold at Rs 60 per kg in retail markets.