Dengue threat is inside your house
The mosquitoes which are outside in sewage drains, lakes and open stormwater drains are culex mosquitoes which are also called nuisance mosquitoes.

Hyderabad: Mosquitoes are all over the city but those outside our homes are not so dangerous as those which are inside, according to the survey carried out by the GHMC.
The mosquitoes which are outside in sewage drains, lakes and open stormwater drains are culex mosquitoes which are also called nuisance mosquitoes. The male mosquitoes of culex are in a large number than the female ones. The survey has found that 60 per cent of the mosquitoes in the open environment are culex mosquitoes.
Where are the aedes aegypti mosquitoes that have rained havoc by causing dengue and chikungunia? The department claims that these are still resting inside the homes in water cans, drums, flower pots, flower trays, overhead tanks, water fountains inside homes and on the terrace and other fresh water bodies in and around homes.
The water stored in bowls by the watchman to iron clothes in the apartment complexes across the city are also found to have larva of aedes aegypti mosquitoes.
Chief entomologist, GHMC, Ramesh Babu, explained, “The biggest challenge we have found is entering homes for checking and spraying purposes. Our staff is not being allowed inside. In the residential colonies that have co-operated with us, it was found that freshwater sources inside homes were the main reasons for the dengue mosquito to breed. Homes locked for a long period of time also have fresh water accumulation in containers that become breeding grounds. Residents have to co-operate in the fight against dengue.”
The incidence of the virus from the mosquito being transmitted to man and from man the virus going back to the mosquito has also been noted.
The officials state that a lot of people have got the disease as they have frequented hospitals with their relatives. The spread of the infection from the hospital has been by both man and mosquito, stated the entomology wing. For this reason, fogging operations are going to be intensified around the hospitals.