Trauma care on national highways to save lives to cut fatalities
Majority of deaths due to not wearing helmets

Adilabad: The Central government wants to strengthen existing trauma care centres and identify spots near the national highways to set up of new trauma care centres, to reduce the number of deaths caused by road accidents.
It has been found that youth within the productive age group account for a large number of road accident deaths in TS.
The NHAI oversees the functioning of trauma care centres in the country. A Central team visited TS in the last week of April, and held discussions with medical experts and the Director of Medical Education, regarding measures to be taken to improve and increase the number of trauma care centres.
The NHAI will provide funds to medical colleges and district hospitals located near national highways, where trauma care centres are already operational, to recruit additional staff and medical experts, and to engage more ambulances.
It is important that accident victims be shifted to trauma care centres as soon as possible. Medical experts say that first 10 minutes after the accident are the “platinum period”, and the first hour is the “golden hour”, to treat and save victims. Neurology experts, general surgeons, and orthopaedic surgeons are essential for the treatment of trauma cases.
Dr Shyam Prasad Parimala, an MS in Orthopaedics from RIMS Adilabad, attended the meeting with the Central team. He said that the Central government was keen on reducing the number of road accidents on national highways, and saving the lives accident victims, especially those within the productive age group of 18-40 years, who could contribute to the development of the country.
A majority of road accident deaths occur because bikers do not wear helmets. The police and the transport department have conducted programmes to create awareness among people, regarding the importance of a helmet; but they have been in vain, as very few people in old Adilabad district wear helmets.
Two boys who were riding a motorcycle died recently, when a speeding vehicle hit them at the Mavala crossing. They suffered from severe injuries to the head.
A couple of days ago, a youth died after he came under the wheels of a lorry, at Wankidi. He could have been saved, had he worn a helmet. In an accident that recently took place near Ichoda on NH-44, three persons died and seven were injured.
In contrast, many of the accidents reported from Mancherial district involve parked lorries or vehicles that have been hit during the night or in the wee hours of the morning.