ATMs may stay dry next week in Hyderabad
The city has 1,000 onsite and 500 offsite ATMs of which only 20 per cent had cash till Friday.

Hyderabad: Most ATMs may continue to be dry next week, following three bank holidays on Saturday and Sunday, experts said. Messages on bankers’ Whatsapp groups said the cash chests with a few nationalised banks were empty, and the supply of notes from the RBI was not sufficient.
An official said the withdrawals were more in the salary week. “This led to ATMs running out of cash. The city has 1,000 onsite and 500 offsite ATMs of which only 20 per cent had cash till Friday. Banks will not closed for Second Saturday and Sunday, and the situation will not change, he said.
Another banker said the banks would function on Monday, Holi. “If we get cash from the RBI, we will fund withdrawals at banks and send the remaining cash to ATMs. If customers draw larger sums to avoid transaction fees, the crisis which we faced during demonetisation will repeat.”