Cracking entrance through short-cuts backfires later
Hyderabad: An increasing number of students has been observed to drop out of IITs owing to the pressure that they experience post joining. Experts claim that students from Telangana were noted to be performing the worst among all owing to their rote memorising techniques and ‘unhealthy’ coaching techniques.
The significant crescendo in the drop-out rate is evident in the official documents submitted to the Lok Sabha according to which, 889 students dropped out of the IITs in 2017. This number includes 630 postgraduates, 196 Ph.D. students, and 63 undergraduate students. While the lack of placement opportunities seems to be a major reason for the postgraduate dropouts, undergraduate withdrawals are attributed to poor choices made in haste, poor performance, and personal reasons.
Prof R.V. Rajakumar, director, IIT Bhubaneswar, said, “It is the students who resort to practicing shortcuts to crack the entrance examination who are more likely to drop out due to stress. Interest level is also a key determinant in their potential to succeed after joining. The IITs are equipped with all necessary infrastructure and excellent faculty, so those who are genuinely interested in technology should have no trouble getting by.”
According to a survey conducted in an IIT, there is no correlation between a student’s rank in JEE and his/her performance in the IITs. However, a correlation has been noted between one’s performance in their plus-two examination with their performance in the IITs. According to sources, only 15-20 per cent of the students with a healthy plus two education has shown to be eager to learn and are “unstoppable”, while the rest “struggle”.
Experts from a top IIT institute said that although Telugu states and Rajasthan produce a high number of students who make it into the IITs, their performance has been noted to be pathetic after joining.
The fact that coaching institutes are training students in shortcut methods good enough only to achieve seats is being held responsible for their failure.