Plus-1 board exam results: Erode students top the list with 98 per cent pass
Of 8,63,668 candidates who had registered for plus-1 examination this year 7,73,844 students have passed.

Chennai: Erode students have topped the plus-1 board examinations conducted by the Directorate Of Government Examination(DGE) this year with a 98 per cent pass percentage. Tirupur and Tirunelveli districts bagged second and third places with 97.9 per cent and 97.6 per cent pass percentages. The DGE announced the results on Wednesday at 9.30 am.
Of 8,63,668 candidates who had registered for plus-1 examination this year 7,73,844 students have passed. More than 36,380 students have scored more than 500.
The overall pass percentage of the state stood at 95 per cent . The performance of the state has improved by 3.7 per cent this year. Continuing last year’s trend, girls outperformed boys this year too. In all, 96.50 per cent of girls cleared the exam while 93.3 per cent of boys passed. A total of 2,634 schools recorded 100 per cent pass percentage. Also 90.6 per cent of government school students passed the examination while 99.1 per cent of students from private institutions cleared.
Commerce students showed the best result with 97.40 per cent pass percentage followed by arts students with 95.12 per cent and science at 93.91 per cent. In the vocational stream, 92.34 per cent passed the exam.
Amongst subjects, computer science has the highest pass percentage at 98.2 per cent. Students can apply for retotalling and re-evaluation between May 10 and12.
The students are first required to pay an amount of `275 and apply for a copy of their answer sheets. The retotalling cost for language paper is `305 and `205 for other subjects.
As per Tamil Nadu government’s no detention policy, candidates who failed to qualify the exam will be promoted to class 12. They can clear the paper(s) by taking the exam in class 12.