More than 4 lakh to wrote SSLC, from today
The number of students appearing for SSLC examination is 5820 more this time.

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: As many as 4,76,373 students will appear for SSLC examinations beginning on Wednesday at 2,903 centres across the state and abroad. The examinations will end by March 23 and results expected to be announced by April 25.
Director of public instructions M S Jaya said that elaborate arrangements were made to curb any malpractices. She also said that there was pressure from many schools to allow scribes for students with learning disabilities, which leads to suspicion of misuse of the provisions. “This time alone we received about 17,000 request for scribes this year and we are examinaing each applications with utmost caution,” she said.
Compared to last year, the number of students appearing for SSLC examination is 5820 more this time. While 2.41 lakh students are boys, 2.3 lakh are girls. As many as 583 students are appearing for the exams at various centres in Gulf countries and 813 at Lakshadweep.
Of the 4.7 lakh candidates, 3.2 lakh are from Malayalam medium and 1.48 lakh from English medium. As many as 3135 students are taking the examination in Kannada and 2163 in Tamil.
In the wake of confusions during publishing of exam results last year,
preparations for tabulation using the software also began in advance this time. Details of students were already uploaded on the software and verified. State higher secondary examinations are also beginning on Wednesday and will end by March 29.