
Transparency drives cops' wing choice

Plan to cut perks might make loop line posts less lucrative.

Hyderabad: Introduction of technology to increase transparency and accountability in policing is making several policemen attached to law and order and crime wings want to move to loop line posts in the state intelligence and traffic wings.

However, a new proposal by police bosses to cut down allowances for certain wings might make the loop line posts less lucrative.

Personnel working in the state’s traffic department receive 30 per cent allowance, considering health risks because of exposure to pollution while doing duty. The personnel posted with the Crime Investigation Department, Intelligence and Special Intelligence Bureau get 25 per cent allowance. Those working with the State Police Academy are given 20 per cent allowance and those in the operations wings, counter -intelligence and Grey Hounds 60 per cent allowance.

With increase in transparency and accountability with the introduction of technology, several policemen working in ranks below deputy superintendent of police are keen to take up loop line postings, where the working hours are lesser.

In certain wings, working hours are from 10 am to 6 pm and the work is lesser than, say, in the law and order wing. Even in the traffic wing, policemen have a shift system, which attracts lower-rank officials. Incidents of mob violence, where policemen working in the law and order wing were manhandled and misbehaved with by the public have created an embarrassing situation, as they were restrained from taking up lathis to bring the situation under control.

Speaking to this newspaper, a senior police official said: “Incidents like vandalising a hospital take place in a moment of anger. If a police constable or official beats up errant citizens, a wrong message goes to the public, that the police side with private parties and not victims. “

In reply to a query, the official said: “Field-level staff often send requests seeking loop line postings. Only, in very few cases, considering personal reasons, policemen are posted in the Intelligence and other wings. Otherwise, it is purely based on the individual’s previous track record.”

( Source : Deccan Chronicle. )
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