Secunderabad: Traffic diversions at Oliphanta
There will be no change in the flow of traffic which comes from YMCA and Garden Hotel towards Mettuguda and Tarnaka side.

Hyderabad: The road under the Oliphanta railway bridge at Secunderabad will be closed for 15 days from Monday to facilitate work on the Metro Rail project. Officials have announced the following traffic diversions
Traffic from Musheerabad and Sitaphalmandi towards Secunderabad and Begumpet will be diverted at Chilkalguda crossroads towards, Alugaddabavi, Rail Nilayam, Sangeet crossroads, left turn to Rathifile bus station, Secunderabad or and right turn at Sangeet crossroads towards Begumpet.
Traffic from Begumpet towards Musheerabad and Chilkalguda will be diverted at Sangeet crossroad to Alugaddabavi, U turn at Hyderabad Tent House towards Chilkalguda crossroads.
Traffic from Patny and YMCA towards Musheerabad and Chilkalguda will be diverted at Sangeet crossroad to Alugaddabavi, U-turn at Hyderabad Tent House and proceed towards Chilkalguda crossroads and Musheerabad.
Traffic coming from the front side of Secunderbad station towards Musheerabad, Tarnaka and Chilkalguda will be diverted at Delight Hotel towards Sangeet crossroads, Alugaddabavi, U turn at Hyderabad Tent House towards Chilkalguda crossroads.
There will be no change in the flow of traffic which comes from YMCA and Garden Hotel towards Mettuguda and Tarnaka side.
Rail passengers
Railway passengers from Mettuguda, Sitaphalmandi and Musheerabad towards the Secunderabad station have to board the train from Platform No. 10 side at Chilkalguda crossroads.
RTC buses
RTC buses from Sitaphal-mandi and Musheerabad will be terminated at Chilkalguda rotary. Buses from Sangeet side to Uppal bus stop will take a U turn at Delight Hotel.
RTC executive director, Greater Hyderabad, A. Purushotham Naik buses would be diverted through Rail Nilayam and Mushee-rabad
Buses from LB Nagar towards Secunderabad, JBS, Hakimpet, Balanagar, Medchal and Patancheru (Routes No. 90L/229, 279 and 290) would be diverted via Rail Nilayam instead of Oliphanta Bridge.
RTC will divert buses on Uppal and Koti sectors (Routes 1, 2, 107, 20, 44, 14x, 16x, 18, 250, 280 and 281) will be operated up to Chilkalgu-da X-roads via Musheerabad.