Hyderabad: Shramdaan to shame civic staff
Hyderabad: When going gets tough, tough gets going. The 61-year- old Vijay Dabade was seen on Neredment X Roads on Sunday morning with a phavda and gampa, fixing roads.
He has been repairing roads for the past two Sundays also. He’s not alone. More than 80 citizens from 50 colonies from the federation of northeastern colonies of Secunderabad have been part of this silent movement to repair roads as the authorities turn a blind eye to the tardy condition of roads in the North Zone of the city.
The third consecutive shramdaan by citizens on Sunday in the North Zone of Hyderabad had exposed the negligence of municipal authorities in maintaining roads.
Citizens plan to continue with their shramdaan for three divisions (1, 2 & 136) in Kapra in the coming Sunday.
“We have written letters and had met many municipal officials. But our plea fallen on deaf ears,” Mr Dabade, who lives in RK Puram.
“The journey from RK Puram to IBM has become terrible because of the potholes. We are taking things into our hands to fix these roads,” said Raghu Raman of Sainik Puri.
“We do not want to crib about bad roads. Rather, we want to show the way by repairing them,” said Rajes-hwar Rao, a resident of Neth-aji Nagar.
“The RK Puram flyover is extremely narrow. At peak hours, the situation is worse,” said Shekhar Chodagam.
“We are ordinary people. But if we work together we can wake up the authorities from their slumber,” said Vijay.