Bengaluru: Last test for metro phase I on May 9
An Independent Safety Assessor (ISA) is expected from France on May 9 to do the last multiple train-anti collision test.

Bengaluru: "Sixteen out of the 17 tests required for the remaining stretch of Metro phase-I have been completed and only one remains before the safety commissioner arrives to give his report. An Independent Safety Assessor (ISA) is expected from France on May 9 to do the last multiple train-anti collision test, which will take place over the following two days," said Mr Pradeep Singh Kharola, Managing Director, Bengaluru Metro Rail Corporation Ltd (BMRCL).
Speaking to the Deccan Chronicle, he maintained the underground stretch between Sampige Road and K R Market would be ready for the safety commissioner's inspection between May 13 and 15. " Normally these tests take 60 days. They are very critical and we have to follow protocol. We cannot take shortcuts. The earlier deadlines were estimates, but faults and various hiccups came up during testing, which had to be attended to," Mr Singh explained.
While acknowledging that the tests could take a while to complete and safety could not be compromised when the line was expected to ferry lakhs of people, Mr Srinidhi of the advocacy group, PRAAJA RAAG wonders why the BMRCL is waiting for a French expert to assess train collision. " Is it a time buying tactic?" he asked pointedly.
In his view, it could be either mid or end of June before this phase of the Metro fully opens to the public. " The BMRCL will have to send a request through email possibly to Delhi to schedule an appointment with the Commissioner of Rail Safety, who will come to inspect the line and study the results before certifying it safe for commercial operation," he added.
The Metro has missed multiple individual section and Phase 1 network deadlines, starting from December 2012 and December 2013. It went on to miss the March 2015 , the December 2015 , the March 2016 and November 2016 deadlines as well, besides the latest one of April 2017 . The delays are a result of the many earlier hurdles that came in its way, according to the activist. " Late tendering of the underground stretch, the tunnel boring machines getting stuck and improper soil testing are among the reasons why it has been delayed over the years," he observed.
Changing MDs
It does not help that BMRCL has a track record of constantly changing managing directors. So far the post has been held by Mr V. Madhu, Mr Srivastav, and Mr Sivasailam. And now a notification by the Department of Personnel and Training reveals Mr Pradeep Singh Kharola could be empanelled for a secretary level posting at the Centre. Should this happen, it could delay the Metro's progress further.