Thunderstorms in store for Telangana
The maximum average temperature has been forecast to be 0.5ºC to 1ºC higher this year.

Hyderabad: Pre-monsoon showers are expected to strike the city with increased intensity this summer because of the warmer weather that has been forecast for the state. The maximum average temperature has been forecast to be 0.5ºC to 1ºC higher this year.
The Meteorological Department has stated that above normal temperatures will create conditions where the heat will increase and also at the same time, there will be a rise in the humidity. When both temperatures and humidity reach a certain critical level, the condition will lead to thunderstorms. To add to this situation, there will be local formation of 'troughs', which has been noted in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, that may lead to thunderstorms.
Thunderstorms and dust storms in the pre-monsoon season are normal but they will be more frequent this year due to increased heat conditions, officials said.
The phenomenon of sudden rains will become common and the people will need to be prepared for them.
On Saturday, the city recorded a temperature of 40ºC and the humdity stood at 50.2 per cent.