Telangana government to Centre: Resolve row on Krishna water sharing
AP had developed a gravity-based system capable of drawing up to 55,000 cusecs water in Pothireddypadu.

Hyderabad: The Telangana state government on Friday complained to the Centre that decisions taken by the Kr-ishna River Management Board (KRBM), regarding the sharing of water from the Krishna River, were not being implemented.
At a KRMB meeting held in June 2016, it was decided that telemetric systems would be installed on the Srisailam and Nagarjunasagar projects within two mo-nths in order to accurately monitor the drawing of wa-ter from the projects by AP and Telangana. However, those plans have not been implemented even after nearly two years.
The Telangana government sought the immediate installation of a tamper-proof telemetric system to avoid any disputes between the two states over the sharing of Krishna water.
Chief Secretary S.K. Joshi on Friday sent a letter to Upendra Prasad Singh, the secretary of the Union ministry of water resources. In the letter, he said, “As river Krishna forms a boundary between Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, it is necessary that a transparent, robust telemetric/data acquisition system should be installed at various places of withdrawal of water, for proper accounting between the two states.”
He added that as far as the Srisailam Reservoir was concerned, AP had developed a gravity-based system capable of drawing up to 55,000 cusecs water in Pothireddypadu. “In the absence of an accurate flow measurement system in Pothireddypadu, there will always be a dispute regarding the quantum of water being drawn and utilised by AP,” he said.
Mr Joshi stated that there had already been a considerable delay in the implementation of the KRMB’s orders, and he asked the Centre to expedite the process. “I request you to instruct the concerned officials of the Central Water Commission/KRMB, un-der the close supervision of some senior officials from the Union Ministry of Water Resources, to commission the installation a tamper-proof telemetric system before the commencement of the 2018-19 water year,” he said.