RTC tells staff to give an undertaking
Hyderabad: The RTC management has asked workers to sign an undertaking that they will not press for Union elections for two years. They are also required to sign a clause that they will not participate in union activities.
The RTC management has also asked employees to affirm that they will not take leave except in emergency circumstances.
The management laid down the condition that if any employee takes leave for any purpose other than an emergency, he or she will be allowed to return to duty only when the depot manager is convinced of the reason for availing leave.
The clauses against trade union activity has sent leaders of the RTC’s recognised trade unions into a tizzy. However, despite the management reportedly pressurising the employees to sign the declaration, RTC workers said a majority of them were against signing it.
The RTC employees said the management wanted to forward the declarations to the Labour Commissioner. The management has pasted the declaration at all the depots for the employees to copy and sign.